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Manage Exports

In FlexPay's Client Portal you can download data from any report. This will help you if you are looking into specific details of your declined transactions, perform your own analysis, or need to reconcile data with your CRM.

There are three different exports you can perform from the portal. 

  • Report: Exports the overall report for your selected period to a .xlsx file. This is the only synchronous export in the portal, you'll get to download the file directly from the current screen. 
  • Transactions: Exports every transaction for your selected period to a .csv file. This an asynchronous export, meaning your export will go to a queue where it can be retrieved a few seconds to a few minutes later depending on the number of transactions.
  • Payments:  Export every payment for your selected period to a .csv file. It will provide you with all relevant information for the latest transaction of any given payment. This is also an asynchronous export, you'll be able to download the file after a short time.

What's the difference between a Transaction and a Payment export?

If FlexPay has retried 5 times to recover a failed payment, the Transactions export will include all 5 entries in the export. The Payments export, on the other hand, will only include 1 entry with information for the latest attempt.

Not every report in the portal will present the option to export Transactions and Payments. Depending on the specifics of each report, you may be able to export one or the other.


While looking at any report in the FlexPay Client Portal, you'll find the Export button on the right side of the screen, below the Data Refresh timestamp.

If you select the Report option, the download will start right away.

If you select the Transactions or Payments option, a message will show up indicating the export has been queued up and a link to the Manage Export section will help you get there.


Once you've submitted an export, it will be listed under the Manage Export section of the portal.

The Status column displays the current state of your export. Once FlexPay is done processing and preparing the file, the status will switch to Done. The message column will provide you with a link to download the file.

If you log in to FlexPay as the Account Administrator, you can see exports performed by all users in your account. If you have a different level of access, Account Reader for example, you can only see your own exports. 

Note: Please keep in mind that all files remain available for a period of 30 days. They are marked as expired after.

Daniel is the author of this solution article.

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