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By Batch

The batch report reflects the details of batch files sent to FlexPay from your CRM. Batch files are typically used as an alternative to sending FlexPay the declined transactions by API. The batches are also grouped weekly from Sunday-Saturday. Hovering your mouse cursor over the chart will show the number of transactions received for that period. 

In the summary table below the bar chart report, the batches grouped weekly can be individually expanded for details by individual batch. Simply click on the green batch period to drill down that period. 

The batch ID is numerically ordered i.e., the first batch loaded will be identified as "1" and so on and so forth. For larger transaction files, the main file may be broken down into slices to enable FlexPay to process the transactions more efficiently. To see the details within that batch, click on the kebab menu on the right of the batch to Export the file in .xlsx format. A popup will notify you of the file being downloaded. 

Note: You can export any of the reports or their respective transactions at any point from the Export option located below the date range menu. Please visit Manage Exports for more details.

Daniel is the author of this solution article.

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